We analysed more than 400 property sales and purchases on the Costa Blanca North, managed by the 16 agencies affiliated to MLS 03724, which exchange transaction data in the municipalities of Benissa, Benitachell, Calpe, Denia, Jávea/Xàbia and Moraira/Teulada.
This information allows us to determine the real price at which properties are sold in the area, as well as to build a profile of home buyers on the Costa Blanca North and to find out which characteristics are the most sought after by home buyers and investors in Moraira and nearby municipalities.
Typology of the most demanded properties in Moraira Costa Blanca North
64% of the properties sold in the Moraira/Teulada area are Villas.
Bungalows/Townhouses are in demand by 18% of buyers, while Apartments are in demand by 12%.

Most demanded property type in Moraira – Costa Blanca North
Average price at which properties are sold in Moraira Costa Blanca North
The highest average price per square metre in the Costa Blanca North is for penthouses (2.550€/m2), followed by villas (2.087€/m2).
The lowest price paid by homebuyers on the Costa Blanca North is 1527€/m2 for townhouses.

Average price per type of property sold
If we focus on the municipality of Moraira/Teulada, the average price of villas is higher, amounting to 2199,4€/m2.
Real estate market report in Costa Blanca North
We explain how the price of housing is in the area and our forecast
how many bedrooms and bathrooms are being asked for?
The average number of rooms in residential properties sold in the area is 3 bedrooms.
In the case of fincas and country houses, the average is 4 bedrooms. Villas are also very close to the 4-bedroom average.

Number of bedrooms by type of property
In terms of bathrooms, the most demanded number is 2, with 43.3%, followed by 3 bathrooms, with 24.4%.
In the case of villas, the most requested is 3 bathrooms, with 37.6%, slightly higher than villas with 2 bathrooms.

number of bathrooms in homes sold
Most desirable features: Swimming pool and sea views
The most demanded features of the properties are that they have a swimming pool and sea views.
84% of the properties purchased have a private pool or communal pool.
73% of the sales were of villas and houses with sea views.
56% have a garage and 94% have a terrace or porch.

Villa with pool and sea views in Moraira
The most desired property in Moraira Costa Blanca North
According to the demands of buyers and investors and to the closed operations registered in the last 5 years, we can determine that the most demanded property in the area is:
A villa in Moraira, with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, with swimming pool, terrace and sea views, for an average price of 507.601€, with a surface area of 231m2 (2.199€/m2).
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Real estate market report in Costa Blanca North
We explain how the price of housing is in the area and our forecast